I Am Radiant (Art Basel)

a watercolor image of a South Asian girl with head jewelry, and words of affirmations that say: I Am Radiant, I Am Worthy, I Am Enough, I Am Love

radiant [ rey-dee-uhnt ]:
emitting rays of light; shining; bright; bright with joy, and hope.

An inspirational quote using this word:

Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light as radiant as the full moon.

A very short story by Radha as inspired by her muse:
As she'd walk past, her radiance was so bright that it nearly blinded me. I thought to myself "what was her secret?" So, I quickly put on my sunglasses and followed to ask her. She then said "when you immerse yourself in radiance, joy, love and hope, no one can dim your light."

A few prompts to help you tap into you feeling Radiant:
-List out and define characteristics of radiance.
Feel free to use a loved one or someone you admire as a muse to help you come up with that list.
-Which characteristics do you believe speak most to your personality?
-Record yourself on a voice memo listing out those self characteristics as “I am…”, etc. What emotions do you feel when you hear that play?

This piece will be available at Art Basel 2023
(December 6-10) with SAB Gallery.


I Am Extraordinary